Thursday, September 20, 2012

Josh Mandel is ANTI-Worker

* Why would the U.S. Chamber of Commerce spend $1,110,000 to boost up anti-labor Republican Josh Mandel? (FEC 9/18/12) According to the FEC, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has spent $2,014,000 "...calendar YTD per election for office sought..."

* Bizjournals notes this about the race in Ohio:

Republicans spending millions to unseat Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, a Democrat, during the crucial November elections in which the GOP is trying to turn Ohio back into a Red State again.

Brown told Bloomberg Businessweek that there has been more money spent against him than any other Senate candidate in this election cycle. More than $18 million has been pumped into the race to help support Brown's Republican challenger Josh Mandel.

Much of the money is coming from Super PACs, which have helped pay for nearly 40,000 ads so far in the campaign, with only a little more than 5,600 of those being pro-Brown ads......

What promises has Josh Mandel made to his right wing, anti-worker supporters and PACs?????

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Josh Mandel Opposes Fair Pay

 Ohio Voters,
When you consider which candidate to vote for in November, remember that Republican Josh Mandel, Ohio's absent Treasurer, is against equal pay for women.

Why does Josh Mandel want to prevent women from earning the same pay for the same work that men do? When women earn less, our Social Security earnings are lower than that of men.  Where is the fairness? Ask Josh Mandel 614-314-8311.

You might want to ask Mandel why he doesn't mention jobs for veterans in his "jobs plan" on his website.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Spot On!

This might be done in jest, but it is the truth about Republican candidate, Josh Mandel----

The real Josh Mandel is opposed to reproductive freedom for women, help for college students, the auto bailout that save 850,000 Ohio jobs, and rescuing the banks which saved the country.  Josh Mandel voted against making cockfighting a felony, would have voted against the reauthorization of VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), was against keeping college loan interest rates low, and wants to give tax cuts to his business buddies and millionaires, and Mandel supported SB 5. 

Republican Josh Mandel is out of touch with Ohioans. 

Friday, July 6, 2012


Somehow Josh Mandel doesn't seem to understand the meaning of integrity.

Josh Mandel's "jobs plan" is similar to Mitt Romney's jobs plan in that they both want to give tax cuts to those job creators (aka - the wealthy).  Needless to say, we've already tried this and have given numerous tax cuts to corporations and the top 1% and they still have not created jobs.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mandel Against Pay Equity for Women

Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, Republican candidate for Senate, is against many things, including pay equity for women. Sen. Sherrod Brown voted for the pay equity bill in the Senate, while Republican Sen. Rob Portman voted against pay equity for women.

...Mandel’s campaign said Brown was trying to politicize the issue and signaled that he would have voted “no” on the bill....

Obviously, Josh Mandel is against pay equity for women.  Why? Does Josh Mandel think women are not as hard working or as qualified as their male counterparts?  Does Josh Mandel think that men should make more money than women?  We should ask those same questions of Rob Portman, former budget manager under President George W. Bush.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Showing Respect?

Josh Mandel's candidacy has been plagued with problems and scandals. Eighty-seven days after being sworn in as Ohio Treasurer, Josh Mandel started campaigning as a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate.  Mandel's ambition has gotten in the way of his job as Treasurer.  He has missed 14 meetings for the Ohio Board of Deposits. Mandel's lack of attendance on the job has made many people wondering exactly which person is protecting Ohio's assets.

>>>> Think about this---

Josh Mandel supported SB 5 (later know as Issue 2), the law which would have removed the rights of workers.  Here is his preposterous explanation on why he supported the anti-teacher, anti-police, anti-firefighter, anti-state work, anti-nurse legislation:


I'm struck by how ridiculous Mandel sounds.  How does taking away someone's rights show respect?